WIDE RANGE OF HIGH-QUALITY HEALTH TESTS – for both home and professional use


Cardiovascular risk test


A simple and reliable test for determining the genetic risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Based on the latest scientific data.
  • Easy and painless DNA sampling method.
  • Guidance and instructions on how to act after the result.

With this test, you can find out what is your genetic risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The test analyses the APOE gene, which affects lipid metabolism and thereby the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Different forms of the APOE gene affect, among other things, the amount and quality of cholesterol in the bloodstream. The majority of people have a neutral form, which does not cause deviations in lipid metabolism.

Less common forms of the APOE gene expose to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, especially when the diet is inappropriate in relation to the genetic heritage. Therefore, the test also provides guidance based on the APOE gene as to which type of diet is possibly the most appropriate choice for health.

We always respect your privacy – We do not disclose your contact information to third parties and you will receive your test in an inconspicuous shell without references to a DNA test.

Fast and safe – Usually the result gets about 2-4 weeks after the samples are sent.

Please note that when sending DNA samples back to us, your consent to testing should be demonstrated by all parties. If the child being tested is under the age of 18, the consent must be given by his/her guardian. We do not check personal data, so it is the customer’s responsibility to verify the authenticity of the signatures.

Cardiovascular disease Contents of the test kit

– Easy-to-use sampling tools. Sampling is quick and painless

– Safe transport envelopes for sampling equipment

– Clear and easy-to-follow sampling instructions

– Consent form

– Prepaid mailing envelope for returning sampling equipment

For more information on cardiovascular risk, visit the National Institute for Health and Welfare’s website, here is a link to

Department Tests for older people other tests

DNA test data can be used for many purposes, for example, information on DNA profiling



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